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Letter #


Ala Gertner




Working intensely. Missed seeing Bernhard in Sosnoweic. Life goes on and one must work and be productive. Asks after Kaufmann et al.

Full Translation

My golden girl, Sarenko, I received your nice card and I want you to know that I jumped with joy. Write me immediately about what you’re doing, how you are and where you’re working. I’ve been working very intensely. Bernhard was in Sosnowitz but, unfortunately, I couldn’t go to meet with him. He is miffed. I haven’t been to Sosnowitz in the longest time. Who of our mutual acquaintances from Geppersdorf is there? Be good, calm and, please, be very patient. Life goes on and one must work and be productive. Are you well? And whatever happened to Kaufman and the others? Many kisses and I’m waiting for a reply. Yours, Ala

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